Feedback form


    Dear cycle-holidays-enthusiast,

    thank you very much for your confidence! We hope you had a pleasant journey full of memorable experiences. To sustain our quality and improve us constantly we kindly ask you for your support - please give us a couple of minutes of your valuable time.

    Thank you so much!
    Your team of
    RAD + REISEN Eurocycle

    Where did you book your cycle holidays?

    How did you book your cycle holidays?

    How did you find out RAD + REISEN Eurocycle / your tour?

    How often on average do you travel per year (please do not include business trips)?

    How would you categorize your cycle holidays?

    Have you already joined any other cycle holidays before?

    Do you plan other cycle holidays in the future?

    Do you plan to let RAD + REISEN Eurocylce organize your next cycle tour again?

    Are SPORT & FITNESS crucial factors for you to decide for a specific cycle tour / a specific cycling region?

    Are LANDSCAPE & NATURE crucial factors for you to decide for a specific cycle tour / a specific cycling region?

    Are CULTURE & SIGHTSEEING crucial factors for you to decide for a specific cycle tour / a specific cycling region?

    Are TASTINGS (meals & drinks) crucial factors for you to decide for a specific cycle tour / a specific cycling region?

    Is a COMPLETE PACKAGE (additional costs for guided tours, entrance fees etc.) a crucial factor for you to decide for a specific cycle tour / a specific cycling region?

    Is SUSTAINABILITY (e.g. an official certificate) a decisive factor for you when choosing a particular cycle-holidays TOUR OPERATOR?

    Please evaluate your OVERALL SATISFACTION of your cycle holidays 2025:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please evaluate the BOOKING HANDLING through RAD + REISEN Eurocycle / your travel agency:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please evaluate the TRAVEL DOCUMENTS (completeness, information content):

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please evaluate the INFORMATION AT THE BEGINNING of the tour:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    I booked through:

    Marcel Aksan
    Doris Berkovics
    Urban Graf
    Michael Benjamin Gruber
    Miklos Krisch
    Marijana Peric
    Lorenz Predcechtel
    Catarina Silva

    Please evaluate your ACCOMODATION during the tour:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please evaluate your BOARD during the tour:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please evaluate the LUGGAGE TRANSPORT during the tour:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please evaluate the TOUR DESCRIPTION / YOUR ROAD BOOK / THE TOUR APP during the tour:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please evaluate the ON-SITE-ASSISTANCE during the tour:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please evaluate the ROUTE-CHARACTER (level of difficutly, variety) of the tour:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please evaluate the BICYCLE + EQUIPMENT of the tour:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please evaluate the VALUE FOR MONEY of the tour:

    6: very good
    5: good
    4: satisfying
    3: average
    2: bad
    1: very bad

    Please give your report an appropriate title:

    Please insert your travel report here:

    Upload picture N°1 here (max. 2MB)

    Upload picture N°2 here (max. 2MB)

    Questionnaire - Feedbackform Thank you!

    Thank you very much for your precious time and your valuable opinion which surely helps us to upgrade our products continuously! Your feedback will be verified and put online the coming days.

    Your team of
    RAD + REISEN Eurocycle


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